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Delivery time depends on the following factors:

  • The first factor is getting the finished product
  • As a second factor is the courier or transport.

It should be noted that within Mexico a reasonable time is between 3 to 5 days.
On the other hand, it is relative to mention that most of our sales are placed in the plant, and the shipments we make are in common agreement with the client, thus deciding which freight or parcel to use.

They can be applied when our product has a production failure under conditions of ordinary use.

If all products are invoiced and the invoice is generated immediately upon payment.

“Plasti Contenedores” Our company has more than 20 years in the market at the National level and in the USA and Latin America. We are at your service to help you with cargo solutions such as Plastic Boxes and Pallets of different sizes and strengths.

We apply 100% quality guarantee of our products for factory defects.

We accept transfer or deposit to bank account.

The price of each product is different, since the characteristics of dimensions, weight, design and materials are different. If you still do not solve your doubts, we ask to see this Technical sheet where you can find the differences in price.

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